Associate Membership

Who is an Associate Member?

The ACA has two types of Associate Members - Individual and Business.

Individual Associate Members could be, for example, a cheer parent.

Business Associate Members could be, for example, a business that sells cheerleading products.

Eligibility for Associate Membership

A Person or Organization that:

  1. is a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age, if a Person;

  2. supports the sport of cheerleading;

  3. is interested in advancing the purposes and supporting the activities of the Association;

  4. commits to adhering to the Association’s Bylaws, Policies, Rules and Regulations;

  5. maintains adequate insurance as defined by the ACA;

  6. if not an individual, appoints a Delegate who shall receive Association communications;

  7. has paid all required Association fees, dues and assessments; and

  8. was, if applicable, in good standing with the Association as of the last day of such Person’s or Organization’s last Membership Year.

Why be an Associate Member?

An Associate Member in good standing is entitled to:

  1. participate as a member of a committee, as invited;

  2. run for and hold office as a Director;

  3. attend the Association’s sanctioned activities and events;

  4. purchase Association insurance; and

  5. receive Association reports when available.

Associate Members are also recognized on the ACA’s website.

Associate Member Fees

Associate Member - Individual | Early $50.00 | Regular $75.00

Associate Member - Business | Early $100.00 | Regular $150.00

  • Fees do not include payment processing fees.

  • Early Fees are valid to November 30 and Regular Fees are valid on or after December 1 in each year.

  • Membership is valid from July 1 to June 30 in each year.

  • Membership registration will close one week prior to the last ACA sanctioned competition each year.

Register as an Associate Member!

2024 - 2025 Associate Membership Registration is NOW OPEN.